- Upon receipt of this form, a written Acknowledgment e-mail will be sent to you within the next five (5) working/business days. - This Acknowledgement e-mail will further notify you also of your Unique Reference Number (URN) which must be used in all future contact with the Company. -The Company will investigate your complaint and will aim towards a final resolution of any issue/complaint/grievance and reply within a maximum of two months (2 months) period from the initial complain receipt in relation to the possible reasons that caused the issue at hand and the outcome/decision. - During this period of time of the investigation of the complaint, the Company will inform/update you of the handling process in regular intervals. - In the event that the Company is unable to respond within two months, you will be notified of the reasons for the delay and further indication will be provided on the period of time within which it is possible to complete the investigation. This period of time cannot exceed the three months (3 months) from the submission of your initial complaint. - Further information can be found within our Complaints Policy published within our official website at www.utocapitalllc.com
UTO Capital Inc., is a Company incorporated under the Laws of Saint Lucia and the Companies Act Cap 13.01, under registration number 2023/C080.