Forex Markets
Foreign Exchange Trading, or simply Forex, is the world’s largest financial market with over $5 trillion in daily trading. Due to the fact that Forex currency trading has no
centralised market- place, currencies can be traded in whatever market is open at any given time, creating a great opportunity for traders to buy and sell currencies around the clock 24 hours a day, 5 days a week with the exception of weekends. Investors include banks, large institutions and individual traders from all around the globe.
The "majors" and the "commodity pairs" are the most liquid and most widely traded currency pairs in the Forex market. These pairs and their combinations (EUR/JPY, GBP/JPY, and EUR/G- BP) make up the vast majority of all trading in the Forex market. Because these pairs typically have the largest volume of buyers and sellers, they will also typically have the tightest spreads.
If you are new to currency trading, a great way to get started is to open an Account with UTO Capital and join the winners.